Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good news

This morning Teresa called to say they had their first positive sign: his fluid intake (build up) was actually less than his fluid out put (urinating). His blood pressure is still high which is causing the heart to not get as much rest as they were wanting.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Letter from Teresa

Teresa sent an update on baby, Elijah:

He will be on the bypass machine for 2-3 days without any changes. They will just keep him stable adding insulin, glucose and dopamine to increase his blood pressure as needed. After 3 days they will attempt to start weaning off of machines and trying to do different things to see what his body can tolerate. Keep us in your prayers as we are trying to find lodging that can be more long-term. We have several temporary options we are using, but we will probably be here at least a month and would like to have the children join us as soon as we have somewhere more permanent. We have Michael's parents keeping them now for us and that is such a blessing.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers and your emails and phone calls and encouragement. We will try to return calls and emails as much as we can, but know we appreciate them even if we cannot return them if we miss answering them. We are spending as much time with Elijah as we feel we can and still get our rest. God has blessed me with an easier road to recovery from my C-Section and He is allowing me to feel better than I had expected. He has provided for us, and continually provides for us, financially, spiritually, and physically. A wonderful Christian family allowed us to stay in their home last night, and God filled our needs more abundantly than we would have asked by providing me with a Jacuzzi tub and a bed that felt like we were sleeping on the clouds! Praise God!

Thank you all for everything!

P.S. Teresa said she will only be able to check email every few days. Here is an address where they can be reached. They have requested no one send balloons to the baby or anything like that as he cannot keep items at his bedside. Other items sent can be kept by the parents until he goes home.

Elijah Ryan, NICU
#1 Children's Way
Little Rock, AR 72202

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Joining baby Elijah

Both Teresa & Michael are now with baby Elijah at the Children's Hospital in Arkansas. Instead of the bypass machine, they have put him on an ecmo machine which allows the heart to continue pumping, but at only 20% effort, while the machine does the rest. It also pumps out through tubes the bad blood filled with toxins and replaces it with good, clean blood. This will allow his other organs to begin functioning properly. He will remain on this machine for 5 - 10 days. Please continue to pray that this rest will strengthen his heart to where it will be able to take over when he comes off the machine.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Moving to Arkansas

Michael & Teresa have three children ages 4 and under. Their youngest that was born on Jan. 23rd, Elijah, was born with a heart problem. The walls of his heart are too thick for the heart to be able to contract to pump out the carbon dioxide in his body as well as allowing the lungs to work properly. He is breathing through a trach (tube in his throat).

This morning, they flew him to the Children's Hospital in Arkansas. Their intentions are to hook him up to a bypass machine for a few days to give his heart a rest in hopes that it will be a bit stronger and able to work better when they take him off. Please pray that God will heal this precious little boy so that he may join his family.

Also, for the parents -- Teresa is still in the hospital in Jackson and will probably not be discharged until tomorrow. God will also have to work out details with Michael being able to get off work, as well as taking care of their other children, so that they can join Elijah in Arkansas.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Teresa gave birth to Elijah Gabrielle this morning at 10:00 by C-section. He weighed 13 lb 14 oz. Teresa is fine, but Elijah was born not breathing on his own. He is in ICU on oxygen. Not many details are known, but please be praying that God will intervene and he will be able to start breathing on his own very soon. All prayers are appreciated and can be felt by the parents.